It is our deep desire that your first visit to New Life Church is positive, encouraging and life-impacting. To that end, we’d like to give you a quick summary of what you may expect when you stop by. If you have more questions or would simply like to let us know you’re coming, don’t hesitate to Contact Us right away!



What to Wear

Our church family comes together with no formal dress code. Some enjoy the opportunity to dress up formally while others prefer the comfort of the casual clothes they wear every day. You are welcome to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else!

Service Times

We have one Sunday service at 10:00am. Wednesday’s midweek service is at 7:00pm. 

Upon Arrival

When you arrive, our friendly greeters will meet you at the door and if you let them know it’s your first time, they will also give you a welcome card. If you don’t mind, we’d love it if you filled it out and returned it to us so we can follow-up with you regarding your experience at New Life Church. Our greeters can also answer your questions about where to go, where the bathrooms are, what programs we offer for children and especially how to find the pastries & coffee!

The Worship

The people at New Life Church are of all ages with differing styles and tastes in music which we consider to be a GOOD thing! As a result the songs we incorporate into our services range from contemporary to original hymns. Our heart is to worship God through songs that glorify Him – this is what the people of our church have in common. Our instruments and voices are a Biblical, corporate, visible, and joyful way in which we praise and worship God. During this time you are welcome to participate in whatever way you prefer, whether by standing, clapping and singing or by sitting and reflecting. So make yourself comfortable and at home!

The Kids

Children remain in the sanctuary and participate in corporate Worship. Afterward worship they will be directed to their appropriate age specific classes.

Meet-n-Greet / Offerings

Every week we present the opportunity for giving through tithes & offerings. We encourage you to give only as you feel led by God and not under any obligation, reluctance, or compulsion. “For God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7). During our meet-n-greet time, you will be invited to place your gift in a basket on the altar or in the white offering box at the back of the church.


Announcements regarding recent and upcoming church events are announced each Sunday. Please take note of any activities in which you might be interested in participating/serving in. Sign-up sheets are located in the foyer. Events are also posted in our monthly church bulletin or can be found on the Events page of this site.

Message & Prayer

The final element in our Sunday service is the message. We will occasionally provide notes for you which you may pick up in the foyer as well as reinforcing graphics on our large screen while the pastor speaks. Every message is bathed in hours of preparation & prayer and will hopefully result in challenging you to discover God and His love more every time you listen. The service closes with a time of altar ministry where anyone who wants personal prayer, including being anointed with oil can be ministered to by one of the pastors, elders or someone from the Altar Ministry Team.

Following the Service

When the service concludes, you are invited to stay and chat as well as join us in the Fellowship Hall for a time of coffee and pastries. You are welcome to join us or make your way to lunch and the rest of your day’s activities. On your way out, we encourage you to introduce yourself to Pastor Dave who loves to make time for guests.